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Company Details and Legal Notice
in accordance with §5 TMG Telemediengesetz, German Telemedia Act

Responsible for content:

Ursula Stalter

Haus der 7 Ringe

6, Rue des Près

F - 57720 Rolbing


0033 3870 68252


0033 3870 68252


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54439 Saarburg


+49 (0)6581 - 920 175


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SIRET IdentificationNo. for this business address  539 250 118 000 12

Professional Liability Insurance Information:

Insurer Name and Administrative Headquarters:

Swiss LIFE
8, rue de Strasbourg
F 57410 Petit Rederching

Insurance No. 012847010

Source information for photos and graphics:

The graphics, images, and photos used for this website were produced for the “House of the 7 Rings” or by the domain owner herself.

Source: Impressumsgenerator, Rechtsanwalt für Internetrecht Sören Siebert

Liability Disclaimer:

Content Liability

The contents of our web pages have been produced with utmost care.  However, we cannot assume warranty for the accuracy, completeness, or currency of these contents.  As a service provider we are responsible, pursuant to Sec. 7 (1) of the TMG, for our own content on these pages, according to generally applicable laws.  Pursuant to Sec. 8 - 10 of the TMG, however, we as service providers are not obligated to monitor transmitted or stored information received from third parties, or to pursue any indications that those parties may be engaging in illegal activity.  This does not relieve us of our general legal obligation to remove or block the use of information.  However, any liability in this regard is only possible from the point at which we have knowledge of a concrete violation of the law.  Upon learning of any such legal violations we will remove these contents immediately.

Liability for Links

The content we offer contains links to third-party websites whose content is beyond our control.  Therefore we cannot assume any liability for this external content.  It is always the respective owner or operator who is responsible for the pages we have linked to.  Any such linked pages were examined for any possible legal violations at the time of linking; illegal contents were not found at that time.  Permanent monitoring of linked pages cannot reasonably be expected without concrete evidence of illegality.  If and when we learn of any legal violations we will remove such links immediately.

Copyright Protection

The content and works provided by the website owner on these pages are subject to German copyright law.  Any duplication, editing, distribution, or any type of commercialization of the material outside the limits prescribed by the copyright law requires the prior written consent of the respective author or creator.  Downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private, non-commercial use.  In the case of any content on these pages that was not authored by the site owner, the copyrights of the third party are observed.  Should you come across any copyright infringements, however, we request that you inform us.  As we learn of any violations, we will remove any such content immediately.

Data Privacy

As a rule it is possible to use our website without entering any personal data.  To the extent that users’ personal data (e.g. name, street address or email address) is collected on our pages, it is, as far as possible, always a result of users having provided it on a voluntary basis.  This user data will not be passed on to a third party without the user’s express approval.

We must note the fact that data transmission in the internet (e.g. in communication by email) can be vulnerable to security breaches.  Absolute protection of data against interception by a third party is not possible.

Any third-party use of our contact information (published in accordance with the legal notice requirements as stipulated by the German Telemedia Act) for the sending of advertising or informational material that has not been expressly requested, is herewith expressly prohibited.  The website operators expressly reserve the right to take legal steps in the event of unsolicited sending of advertising information, such as spam email.

Source: Disclaimer eRecht24